Raising Awareness

Four areas of activities to foster the pleasure of eating

Raising Awareness–to raise awareness about the issue of hunger-

All human being are born to have “the Right to Food” equally. HFW raises public awareness of understanding “the Right to Food” as the right directly linked to the resolution of the issue of hunger and call to actions against hunger without giving up the current situation.
Especially, in order to make people take actions, we believe that it is important for us to understand that hunger and the realization of “the Right to Food” are problems for ourselves. Both in Japan and in countries where HFW are active, we explain the linkage between hunger and our lives and diets clearly and specifically and suggest simple actions.

Raising awareness

Awareness Raising Activities in each country


We made a booklet of “the Right to Food” in Bengali for local people to understand.
We also convey the importance of “the Righto to Food” during events such as the International Literacy Day and the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

Activities of Bangladesh


We carry out meetings for awareness raising in the evening so that local people can attend. We also call for the public by making use of radio as well as illustration, skit, song, music etc. in order to convey our message.p>

Activities of Benin

Burkina Faso

We explain “the Right to Food” to local people by using picture-story show so that they can understand easily. They discussed “the Right to Food” and came up with various ideas for the realization of “the Right to Food”.p>

Activities of Burkina Faso


The human right awareness survey revealed that there are many cases that “the Right to Food”, “Women’s Rights” and “the Rights of the Child” are infringed. So, we have been conducting awareness raising activity for local people towards the rights.

Activities of Uganda


Japan is not unrelated to issues such as food waste and global warming which are ones of the causes of hunger. So, we let people know the linkage between hunger and life in Japan through activities briefing sessions, events, flyers, booklet etc.

Activities of Japan