
HFW calls for people to consider hunger as their own issue and to take action

Hunger is not what happening in another world far from our life in Japan. Our life has huge effects on world hunger and food problems (click for details). To solve those problems, it is necessary for each of us in Japan to take actions. HFW tell people to consider hunger as “their own problem” and to take actions to solve the problem by conveying people about situations in HFW’s target areas and the connection between the hunger and people’s life-style in Japan. Furthermore, HFW also provides opportunities for people in Japan to take actions easily by various volunteering activities and events such as “collecting unposted postcards”.

Also, in this globalized international society, many expect Japan’s efforts to solve global issues. HFW is collaborating with many NGOs/NPOs, and is advocating for Japan to contribute to solve the world problems proactively and increase confidence from the global society by bringing voices from the civil society who speaks for the most vulnerable people.

HFW holds briefing sessions of their activities twice a month

Symposium to inform people about the connection between their life in Japan and world hunger problems

Four activities to foster joy of eating – Japan –


Developing communities

Developing communities

HFW staff at the head office support affiliate office staffs and HFW project site residents who implement development projects together. We have a policy for not sending permanent Japanese representative to stay in affiliate offices. Head office staffs visit countries where affiliate office exist and visit fields twice a year and provide academic advises and specialized skills, as well as introducing good examples from other countries.

Head office staff giving trainings at an affiliate office

Changing the system

Changing the system

For Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) held once every three years and for G7 summit, HFW makes policy recommendations to international society and Japanese government as well as influences public opinions as part of our networking activities.

Discussing with the World Bank officials in preparation of TICAD

Raising awareness

Raising awareness

HFW conveys messages to let people realize the connection between their life-style and hunger, and calls for people to take actions to solve the problem. We also play a major role in networks relevant to the issue and collaborate with businesses and government.

Informing the audience the link between their lives and hunger at a symposium

Youth development

Youth Development

Four Youth Ending Hunger groups are active in four areas. YEH holds various events, speaking to students at high schools, and other activities “unique to youths” to inform the people about the real situation of hunger and to ask people to take actions.


YEH groups from all over Japan get together and exchange information at the national conference held twice a year