In order to realize “a world free from hunger”, HFW carries out activities in four areas.
The cause of hunger is varied. Multiple factors are intertwined. Therefore, a comprehensive approach to change political, economic, and social structures are required. Through our four core activities, Hunger Free World aims to achieve a ultimate solution of hunger in which each and every person in the world has sufficient access to nutritious food.
To improve quality of life, we are working together with community members on the following six domains: nutrition, education, health and sanitation, economic empowerment, gender equality, and environment.
HFW makes recommendations to governments and international organizations to implement policies, laws, and international rules to end hunger.
We urge everyone to understand and take action to realize the natural born right to sufficient amounts of food everyone is endowed with, also known as the “Right to Food”.
HFW, through the activities of its own youth organization Youth Ending Hunger (YEH), gives young people opportunities to play an active role in ending world hunger.
The five hubs to end world hunger
We are active in five countries. Our goal is to equip the local residents with capacity to become self-reliant to maintain hunger free zone.
Overseas, the local residents take the lead in HFW activities
HFW does not place expats in affiliate offices. Instead, the local hires work together with local residents. We recognize that cultivating local human resources is key for them to become self-reliant. We select persons among community members who will be trained into a driving force for our operations. In each HFW community, they are referred to as animators (those who bring to life), and take leadership in coordinating other community members to drive our activities forward. Enabling the local residents to manage these projects, means that in the future, they are self-sufficient in creating a region free from hunger without relying on outside support. In other words, they gain self-reliance.
See The Guideline for the Development Work of HUNGER FREE WORLD (HFW) a specified nonprofit corporation (PDF 417KB) for more details
Q Why does HFW choose not to send expats overseas?
A Because the local hires understand the customs, culture, and traditions, they are able to undertake the project while accurately assessing the needs of the locals and strengthen the lines of communication. Additionally, in the process of managing these activities, the local hires and the residents both have the opportunity to cultivate the skills they need to operate the activities on their own, and gain independence.
Q How does HFW work together with the local residents?
A We select and train leaders out of the local residents, to drive our activities forward. After they are trained, the leaders will gather local residents and hold a town hall, where essential knowledge and skills are passed on. We provide the local residents the support they need to assure successful management of a cooperative union. The local residents and local hires work together on HFW projects.
Q How does HFW decide on what activities to implement?
A We conduct basic surveys including fact-checking questions, to get a sense of the situation in the areas, and the needs of the local citizens. We then analyze and verify the data to decide what help is needed. For construction plans, we are especially careful in evaluating whether the local citizens will be able to continue to manage the newly built facility on their own in the future.
Q How long do these projects last?
A The length of our involvement differs from project to project. During the planning phase, we set goals and calculate how much time is needed for the project to be effective. We also periodically check in on the progress.
Q What about the problems that are present in the regions outside the areas of HFW’s bases?
A We create successful precedents within our bases, and by spreading the know-how to areas outside these bases, we indirectly address issues in those outside regions as well. Furthermore, as part of our advocacy efforts, we reach out to government and international organizations to fundamentally change the systems that create hunger.
Q How is success measured?
A We ask the local residents what changes they have seen from before and after our involvement, and let them decide if those projects positively affected them. In addition to their feedback, we consider the time, effort, and cost that went into the project, and evaluate our success in a comprehensive way.
Q Does HFW provide emergency assistance?
A Not directly. We leave emergency assistance to organizations that possess the know-how. Although they don’t receive much attention on the news, we focus our funds and efforts in providing relief to those suffering from serious and chronic hunger.
Q At what state is aid concluded?
A When the local residents are equipped with the skills needed to stave off hunger, and are able to obtain a quality of life in which they are able to obtain a sufficient food supply with their own hands, HFW will pull out of the area.