
20 Dec. 2010 Uganda

Our tree planting project has reached its third year. We are working towards self-reliance by cultivating seedlings.


Agro forestry site in Luguzi maintained by local women group.

Tree plantation

HFW initiated its organic fruit tree growing project (agro forestry) in August 2007 for the dual purpose of protecting the environment and supporting the self-reliance of deprived women. The project was expanded to include men as well as women as beneficiaries during its third year in 2009 in order to further accommodate the self-reliance of the residents and as a response to their own passionate requests. Fruit trees, such as mango and orange trees, are not the only type planted; there are also neem trees (neem oil works as a natural pesticide) as well as eucalyptus trees which are in great demands for utility poles or building materials. From October of 2009 till February of 2010, over 465,000 saplings were distributed to 925 households in 15 villages within Luguzi, Nakkedde, and Tumbaali-Lwemwedde Parishes. The saplings were then planted throughout 374 hectares of land. And while such saplings had been purchased from traders up until 2008, a nursery was established in Luguzi Parish in 2009.

At the same time, 20 members of the HFW’s women’s group Women Ending Hunger (WEH), which is active in Luguzi Parish, along with 40 other volunteers from five parishes, undertook training in cultivating seedlings from seeds as well as in grafting fruit trees. The residents who took part in that training then went back to their own villages to volunteer guidance on the techniques essential to grow seedlings and planting trees. Three types of leaflets written in Luganda (local language) were produced for the residents to refer to when necessary. These measures created an environment in which the residents could breed seedlings and begin afforestation independently, relying solely upon their own efforts. In the future, residents are considering selling some seedlings they grow in order to earn enough money to purchase the seeds and pots necessary to breed young trees. This project has been realized thanks to a grant from the Japan Fund for Global Environment.

Women are sowing germinated fruits seeds one by one

A fruit tree planted in 2007. Young fruits are growing

Message from Uganda

The training I’ve received in regards to planting and cultivating saplings will not only allow me to grow eucalyptus trees but also to sell them in the near future.

Mr. Christopher Iga, from Nakkedde Village, Nakkedde Parish.

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