
15 Sep. 2017 Benin

Children performed the skit themed on Right showing to their neighborhood around their school.


YEH’s Powerful performance after the intense practice.

Some YEH members and approximately ten junior members less than 15 years old participated in the awareness-raising meeting cosponsored by both the local radio station and HFW. Children performed the skit about hygiene control in front of the local residents in Akpatchamè Apatchame village. Children's performance was extremely popular among the local residents as ‘easy to understand in Fon language’. The YEH members wrote the scripts, staged, and taught the acting for the skit, which was supported by the branch officials. It was a prime opportunity to make it easier to understand and educate both the local residents as an audience and the children as

performers. YEH members themselves improved their understanding of activities in YEH and HFW, and have become motivated to the activities.

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